We are thrilled to release Danelaw our Brown Ale brewed with Væskebalancen Bar & Bottleshop in Denmark.
A showcase of English Chevalier Malts, once the most proscribed malt in the brewing world. Rich and full of flavour this Brown Ale brewed with Danish friends is a nod to our shared past: A time when the parts of Viking ruled England were known as Danelaw.
After the brew day - Collab Brewers: Nick and Dan alongside Jack.
Beer Stats
Malt: Extra Pale, Chevallier, Caragold, Brown Malt, Special B, Carafa III
Hops: Admiral, Bramling Cross, East Kent Golding
Yeast: US05
Degrees Plato:
ABV: 5.5
We launch Danelaw at The Arch House on the 3rd of October. Skål!
Looking for more A&H beers? Ask for us at your local craft beer purvey or try our webshop!
Marcus and the team from Væskebalancen Bar & Bottle shop previewing the first pours of Danelaw!